Thursday, November 4, 2010

Progress and The Plan

Since my last recounting of the many failures I'd accumulated, I figured it was time to hunker down and get to work on rectifying the mess I'd left myself in. Brooding over the lumps of Obsidian that were seemingly taunting me, I started mining around the area just hoping to gather come more minerals. It was during this effort at expanding the lava cave chamber a bit that I made my most startling discovery yet.

Diamonds aren't just a girls best friend

My face lit up in the biggest and dumbest grin I'd had in some time as I mined the Diamond, and when I found 2 more blocks just like it in the area, my wish was granted, and I now possessed in my hand a Diamond pickaxe. Nothing could stand in my way now, and I gleefully began harvesting the Obsidian in the region. Now this was where my lack of common sense bit me in the rear.

I was happily mining away when I sort of forgot that there was some lava below me. One little molten bath later and I was running away on fire while hoping against hope I could get in some water to put out the flames. Of course I was not so lucky, and of course I had to die at night, so I respawned literally in the middle of an army of skeletons/creepers/zombies with nothing but my fists and my wits. After a harrowing trip, I managed to make it back to the safety of my home. It was then that I really started noticing how haphazard and disorganized everything was. Nothing was pleasing to the eye, and the layout made me cringe. I thought about things for awhile, and after considering it, I decided on a new course of action:

First, I'll mine what Obsidian I can. Then, I'll make a network of covered land bridges to the surrounding islands. After that I'll pick a spot over the ocean waters and try to and make my fortress tower. I am considering doing a run or two through "The Slip" (the hell zone) in the meantime however, just for the sake of laughs and many deaths.


  1. haha i honestly have no idea what this post is about other than its about minecraft...anyway good luck with what you're doing

  2. Network of covered land bridges, sounds nice

  3. Haha I'm sorry you got stuck in the lava, gl building more :)

  4. I'm still trying to figure out how to build stuff lol

  5. i'm happy you achieved what u wanted
    keep up the good work bro

  6. lol , and cool , nice post thanks for the read

  7. I hope you put that Diamond Pickaxe to good use. Good to see you are not discouraged by a minor setback. Stay safe out there!

  8. Its always great to find diamonds.
