Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Open source PC driver for Kinect already?

Hot off the heels of the story that there's a $2000 bounty out for an open source Kinect driver, we've got some results already surfacing.

And this was just 3 hours after the European launch of Kinect. Personally I'm curious as to what sort of apps and uses we could see utilizing a Kinect/PC setup.

In other news, I apologize for the lack of updates and such recently, as I've had company from out of town the last few days. I'm working on my next Minecraft progress report, and I'm considering a few other things like revamping the visual layout of the blog.


  1. so is this what the recall was about? get some more info if it leads to something something awesome. also. First.

  2. Wow, that was quick. The video looks like you could do some cool stuff with it...

    It's alright, I'll still be checking back in no matter what your up to!

  3. lol..thanks for sharing your experiences with that

  4. Good post! Looking forward to reading you next one

  5. Yeah, I read up on this. Makes me want to learn how to do it.

  6. it would be nice of microsoft to bring it to vista no cost!

  7. Never upgrade the kinect's firmware! PROFIT!!!!

  8. great information
    keep up the good work

  9. Looks interesting. I'm not too up to date though on that kinda tech.

  10. Thanks for the info, really interesting!

  11. good info, will look forward to the next one

  12. Is Kinect worth the price? I haven't used it but from videos it looks like a nifty idea.
