Saturday, October 30, 2010

The 11th hour, and no costume for Halloween

Well it's essentially Halloween, and here I am without a clue as to what to dress up as for the get together I'm having with friends/family. I'm notoriously wishy-washy about this sort of thing, and I usually end up just having to improvise at the last minute. One year I took a garbage bag, poked some holes for the head/arms, padded it out a bit by sticking newspapers inside, stuck some banana peels to it, and went to a Halloween party as a trash bag. I was hoping to avoid such a scene this year.

Anyways, drop me some suggestions and tell me what you're dressing up as if you're doing that this year.


  1. fuck halloween. seriously. that celebration is shalow and pointless.

    go naked. you will be remembered.

  2. I am not doing anything :*(
    Sorry, I wish I had some plans. But no one invites me.

  3. Antoine Dodson

  4. You should dress up in your birthday suit : P

  5. Dress up as something from minecraft, would be awesome.

  6. If I was to dress up it would probably be as something really bizarre or as some kind of movie killer like Pinhead or Mike Myers.

  7. Birthday suit is always a winner in my opinion. It's the best kind of suit that fits perfectly.

  8. you could always put a box on your head

  9. I never dress up and go around robbing people of their candy, but if I had to, I'd dress as a ninja.

  10. Dress the sweater on the down part and the trousers on the torso and go out as the backwards man.

  11. I was considering doing an Original costume. I was going to head down to some form of cloth store, buy a pure white sheet and cut eye holes into it and be a Ghost. How awesome would that be? I should copyright my idea so no one steals it. Maybe I should charge people who wish to use such an awesome idea!

  12. Haha, I always do last minute costumes, too. You should've dressed as a small child, and tried for free candy.
